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The Emperor Meiji

Meiji the Great

Portrait of Emperor Meiji by Chiossone.Emperor Meiji (1852–1912), also known as Meiji the Great or Meiji-taitei, was the 122nd Emperor of Japan. During his reign, Japan underwent rapid changes, from being a feudal state to becoming a capitalist imperial world power made possible by Japan’s industrial revolution.

Prior to the Meiji Era was the Tokugawa period, when the Tokugawa Shogunate established itself as the ruler of the country. About 180 lords called daimyo ruled over the shogun’s domains (han).  In 1615, Tokugawa Hidetada issued a code of behavior for the nobility, including the emperor.

Portrait of Emperor Meiji by Chiossone.

It stated that the emperor was to devote his time to scholarship and the arts. The emperors under the Shogunate regime followed the code and studied Confucian classics, poetry, and calligraphy.

At the time of Emperor Meiji’s birth in 1852, Japan was dominated by the Tokugawa Shogunate and the country was practically isolated from the rest of the world. Emperor Meiji was born on his maternal grandfather’s property in Gosho. His mother, Nakayama Yoshiko, was a concubine to Emperor Kōmei and the daughter of the acting major counselor to the reigning emperor. The young prince was named Sachinomiya, or Prince Sachi. Emperor Meiji was formally adopted by his father’s consort on the 16th of August, 1860, and was formally proclaimed prince of the blood and heir to the throne. On the 11th of November of that year, he was named the crown prince and given the name of Mutsuhito. Emperor Meiji ascended to the throne on the 3rd of February, 1867, after his father’s untimely death. He was only 14 years old.

An adolescent Emperor Meiji with foreign representatives (1868-1870).

An adolescent Emperor Meiji with foreign representatives (1868-1870).

During Emperor Meiji’s reign, domains were entirely abolished and Japan was organized into 72 prefectures. The new administration abolished most privileges of the samurai and other class-based distinctions. The Meiji Restoration is a proud part of Japanese history. It enabled Japan to become a preeminent power in the Pacific and a major world player, all within one generation.

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