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Tofu: The Super Food

Tofu is made in a process similar to making cheese, except instead of cow’s milk, it’s curdled soy milk that is pressed into blocks. Tofu is a popular staple in Japanese cuisine and is used in numerous Japanese dishes. It is a rich source of protein and an important ingredient in vegetarian Buddhist cuisine (shojin ryori) and among sumo wrestlers (chankonabe). On its own, tofu has a very mild flavor that is easy to incorporate into various sweet and savory dishes,. It’s an easy favorite ingredient to use.

Japanese green soybeans

Tofu making was first recorded two thousand years ago in China during the Han dynasty. Chinese legend further attributes the creation of tofu to Prince Liu An (179-122 BCE). Tofu making was later introduced to Korea and Japan during the Nara period ((710-794) and spread to other parts of Southeast Asia. The spread of tofu production may have coincided with the spread of Buddhism, as tofu is an important source of protein in a vegetarian diet of East Asian Buddhism.

Firm tofu

Firm tofu.

Tofu has many health benefits:

  • Tofu, a plant  source of protein, lowers levels of LDL cholesterol. Low LDL levels decrease the risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (a condition where the arteries become narrow and hardened due to an excessive buildup of plaque around the artery wall).
  • Soy contains genistein, a predominant isoflavone that contains antioxidant properties that inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. Studies show that consuming at least 10mg of soy per day decreases breast cancer recurrence by 25%.



  • Studies indicate that for Type 2 Diabetes sufferers, kidney disease is a common health concern. It causes the body to excrete an excessive amount of protein in the urine. Evidence shows that patients who consumed only soy protein excreted less protein than those who consume protein from animals.
  • The presence of soy isoflavones increases bone mineral density during menopause, reduces menopausal symptoms, and decreases the loss of bone density (osteoporosis).
  • Studies suggest that tofu of all types that has been curdled with different coagulants can be used to prevent liver damage caused by free radicals.
  • Geographical epidemiological findings indicate that people who consume larger amounts of soy have less incidence of age-related mental disorders.

Tofu, a delicious way to stay healthy, is one of the super foods to have in one’s daily diet.

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