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Japan Travelogue Series: Chirashizushi

Did you know that sushi has been around since about the second century A.D.? It began in China as a way to preserve fish and eventually made its way to Japan. The process of consuming raw fish and rice started in the early 17th century. Sushi actually means rice seasoned with vinegar, salt, and sugar.

Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨) usually consists of cooked rice mixed with vinegar and sweet sake, raw or cooked seafood, seaweed, and vegetables. The presentation and the ingredients used in the preparation of sushi vary but sushi always contains rice. Raw fish or other types of meat that are sliced and served without rice is called sashimi. Sushi is often served with a daikon garnish, wasabi, soy sauce, and shredded ginger.

Making chirashizushiThere are several types of sushi depending on the region, preparation, and available ingredients. One variation is chirashizushi (ちらし寿司, “scattered sushi” or barazushi). It is served with rice in a bowl and topped with a variety of fish and seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients. It is a favorite dish for its heartiness and because it is fast and easy to make.

Chirashizushi is a preferred dish to be eaten annually particularly during  on Hinamatsuri in March and Kodomo no Hi in May.



Some variations of chirashizushi 

Edomae chirashizushi (Edo-style scattered sushi) is usually made with raw ingredients in an artistic arrangement.

Gomokuzushi (Kansai-style sushi) is made of raw or cooked ingredients mixed in with the rice.

Sake-zushi (Kyushu-style sushi) is made with rice wine instead of vinegar in preparing the rice, and is usually topped with octopus, shrimp, sea bream, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and shredded omelette.

Join Michelle as she makes a version of chirashizushi!

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